Author Joan Marie Galat
Hi, I was wondering if any of you had the author Joan Marie Galat visiting your school. If so, would you recommend her? Thanks, Urania
Read more…Hi, I was wondering if any of you had the author Joan Marie Galat visiting your school. If so, would you recommend her? Thanks, Urania
Read more…Hello all :) I am a brand new MLS librarian. My school purchased Librarian's Edge software for me to automate the library. I am wondering if anyone else here has used LE and what you think/thought about the program? Thanks! Jennifer
Read more…Hi, I am happy to be joining this group of Teacher-Librarian Ning. I am just learning this type of networking and happy to be able to converse about librarianship, a field that I have worked in for many years. I am a graduate at Drexel University in
Read more…Hi there Why you Love being a Librarian? Have you inspired any one with your ideas, deeds or thoughts? Have you brought about any significant change in the lives of users / learners you interact with? Were you inspired by someone who then kindled
Read more…Hi Gang, I need to purchase a portable scanner for use during inventory. I have a Dell and we use Alexandria. Any recommendations? joyce
Read more…Hello there, I'm an American and am about to begin my first year as a librarian at an IB school in London. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for good resources in the UK (sites with book reviews, website reviews, etc.) I'm not yet a member
Read more…Hi.. I am in a suburb of Atlanta Georgia and I have several boxes of older books that I would like to donate. The books are in good shape and I am looking for someone out there that may have information about organizations that take donated books. A
Read more…Hello I have 2 questions for you Web 2.0 people! I will be podcasting with 2 other teachers using Skype and a Smartboard. I need to purchase a Webcam. I am looking for recommendations for my purchase. I am also looking for videoconferencing etiquette
Read more…I am working on an approach that I hope will significantly support and enhance the way Educators and Student Researchers work together, as students start, work on and complete significant research projects such as as "IB Extended Essays" for the Inte
Read more…Hi everybody, I'm about to begin a new year at a new school and will be working with seconday students for the first time ever (was previously in an elementary school). I'd like to come up with a proposal for a school-wide research process and am rea
Read more…I want to create a presence on the web for my library and can't decide between a blog or wiki (I have one of each for personal/teaching stuff) I want to add features like: -librarything -online bookable calendar -catalogue searches -pathfinders com
Read more…You may not know her face, but you know – and love – her brews. Bigelow Tea President Cindi Bigelow discusses how she has helped grow the 64-year old company into America’s leading producer of flavored teas, she’ll also be treating five of host Alan
Read more…A teacher I know has purchased some ebooks from Barnes & Noble and wonders if she can use them in her classroom with her students. Can anyone clarify the copyright rules for ebooks or point me in the right direction for the info. Thank you, Laura
Read more…I am in the process of changing over my classroom website to the library website. Our district uses SchoolCenter, so I'm restricted to what is available from them. I would like a list of "must have" features for my site. Any suggestions from all you
Read more…I am absolutely loving that I can integrate database search widgets into all of my wiki pathfinders. Read my post for details: Here are some of the links: * EBSCO Searchbox Buil
Read more…Dear fellow Librarians in the US I have been tasked to review out national school library services guidelines and need to know if there is an update on David Loertscher's taxonomy - I have the 7 step document but remember there were 11 steps at one s
Read more…I need to create a book list using the theme of "perseverance". I am at a high school, but middle/junior high and up would be great. Thanks for your input in advance!
Read more…I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our AASL session: Web 2.0 meet the Standards for 21st-Century Learner Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm McCormick Place West W-187 We have a wonderful panel ready to share, but this is going to
Read more…Does anyone use a digital booking system for their media center? I would like to try one next year. The media center runs the library, 4 computer labs throughout the school and projector carts, so I would need something that could handle all of that.
Read more…I am looking for information about using Web 2.0 tools in the catalog. I am especially interested in tagging, reviews, comments, student created book lists, self checkout and renewals. My school division is looking to purchase a new ILS and these too
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