One of Us by Tawni O'Dell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books for this suspense-filled mystery advance e-book . Danny Doyle was born and raised in a coal mining town (Lost Creek, PA) and continues to struggle with many demons from his childhood; being bullied in school and at home by his alcoholic father, and a mother, mentally unstable who is jailed for the death of her week old child and continuing nightmares throughout his life about the mines and his dead sister. Present day Danny is renowned as Sheridan Doyle, a forensic psychologist for the Philadelphia DA’S office. When Danny returns home for a visit to his recently recovered ninety something grandfather, he revisits the gallows where miners were hung in the 1800s and he finds the dead body of the new owner. At this same time, Scarlet Dawes, rich daughter of the mines, unexpectedly returns to Lost Creek. Rafe, the only detective in town and father figure to Danny find the suicide note but this is murder and they have to be extremely careful with this killer. As they delve into facts and many who believe the executed miners have ghosts; the reader is propelled into the world of a psychotic serial killer on the loose with everyone a target. I couldn’t put this down; especially enjoyable was reading from Danny and Scarlet’s viewpoints. Where Danny was methodical, lucid and vulnerable; Scarlet was devious, crafty, and had no remorse. The descriptions of the mines (the workers, their families and the owners) in the 1800s and present day were horrific. Lost Creek was a town you wanted to run away from with its family secrets, lies, and torments. For a mesmerizing glimpse into the workings of serial killers’ minds, this book will hold you captive until the last page. A great advanced read from NetGalley!
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Adult (7)
Dead to You by Lisa McMann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
OMG I am not really sure about the ending, I can't stop thinking about it, so that makes it all the more compelling. Ethan was abducted when he was 6 years old and 9 years later is reunited with his family; mom, dad, Blake and litle siter, Gracie (who was so cute with her lisp- Efon for Ethan and momsters for monsters- SO CUTE!) He has no memory of his early life and it is not easy going from his life with a normal family and lots of rules (that resulted after Ethan was abducted) This is a thin book with short chapters, I was succked in and reluctant readers will love this book, but I am still reeling about the ending. You have to read it yourself and decide!
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Exposed by Kimberly Marcus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Liz is a great photographer, a senior with a loyal boyfriend, and best friend forever in Kate since they were six years old. But all of this changes when their once a month slumber party is marred with a fight. Liz accuses Kate of being too comfortable and never taking a chance, their argument ends in Liz angry and stomping up to her room, leaving Kate in the basement. What happens next is open to interpretation. This novel in verse reminded me of the Alex Flinn book, Fade to Black where the reader is not sure who is telling the truth...this is what happens in Exposed and Liz's lens of the world changes, and she begins to lose her moral compass. A great read for girls, reluctant readers, and anyone who likes novels in verse.
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Insurgent by Veronica Roth
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Well I think I enjoyed this just as much as Divergent! I was hanging on to every word, I wanted to just grab any free moment to read what was going to happen next, each chapter a thrilling adventure in Tris' divergent world. There were so many surprises (Caleb and Peter)and I really loved the Four/Tobias and Beatrice/Tris relationship as it continued and Tris' awareness of her surroundings was very visual and she seemed to like the smell of "wet pavement". I have some favorite quotes- this one sums up Tris "Sometimes I feel like I am collecting the lessons each faction has to give me, and storing them in my mind like a guidebook for moving through the world. There is always something to learn, always something that is important to understand." And the definition of Insurgent; "A person who acts in opposition to the established authority, who is not necessarily regarded as belligerent." Finally, this book was all about choices and how those choices could define you, destroy you and free you. I found Tris and Tobias to be so brave in the face of such an uncertain world; but they were forging ahead for a good world. Soooo good, I highly recommend this book!
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The Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This companion novel to
is totally gripping and as much as I totally loved it, the torture many of the characters went through was beyond what any child or adult during a time of war should have to endure!!! I disliked thoroughly what Mahlia, Mouse and any of the child soldiers were put through minute by minute, never knowing if they could be killed even by their own friends, war maggots and/or leaders. Seeing Tool back in this book was awesome, he is so unbelievable and there were many times you just were not sure he would survive this time. The characters of the doctor, Mahlia, Mouse, Tool and Ocho were very well drawn and author Bacigalupi did a terrifyingly good job with the evil characters and there was never a short supply of them. I lost hope alot, can you imagine what it was like for the characters in the Drowned Cities. Mahlia's hope was always being buoyed by recalling her Chinese mother and her teachings about survival because if she didn't constantly think about a better way; she could just abandon hope with all the violence she sees surrounding her. Mahlia is now one of my favorite heroes and so is Tool (I loved him in Ship Breaker too!) with his augment status and his allegiance to no one but himself. Two of my favorite quotes, Dr mahfouz is explaining why the troops keep fighting, "Whe people fight for ideals, no price is too high, and no fight can be surrendered. They aren't fighting for money, or power, or control. Not really. They fight to destroy their enemies. Soeven if they destroy everyhting around them, it is worth it, because they know that they'll have destroyed the traitors."
The boat man they took captive on being forced to take Mahlia, Mouse and Tool down river. "Children with guns, We aren't even people to you."
Highly recommended, just know it is very difficult to will keep thinking about this book again and again and cringing again and again. Unfortunately the author did his research on the child soldiers and what they are forced to endure...
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was not a fan of the lead character, Charlotte Locke. It is tough to move your senior year, but Charlotte seems to run headlong into the wrong best friend, pink haired Amanda, and her ex-boyfriend, Neal. Charlotte is jealous, mean and petty to her brainiac brother, James Henry. She goes from being a daughter who confided in her mother, to one who hides what she is doing and where she is going from her mother. Charlotte tells us she is afraid, yet she smokes, joins the debate team, does acid and secretly sleeps with Neal (he wants to keep their relationship a secret)so what is she afraid of---oh yeah---she wants to be popular and that propels her to do all these things that were not her before. She also shows disdain for Milton, a neighbor who is mentoring James Henry. Milton is secure in who he started a mushrooms club (I even liked his descriptions of the good and bad mushrooms!!!), snowboards, skis and wants to befriend Charlotte. When Charlotte does acid at a party, she really makes some bad decisions and it is in this aftermath that she finds out what kind of "friends" Amanda and Neal are...It is interesting to see Charlotte start to realize what a gigantic mess she has made of her life and how all her decisions have been so bad---but can she right her wrongs?
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The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lauren, thank you so much for highly recommending this book! It was so right up my alley with what I truly love to read. Maggie Stiefvater crafted such a great story with a believable storyline about "water" horses, orphans, the rich vs the poor and a romance that slowly grows between Kate "Puck" Connolly and Sean Kendrick, a horse-whisperer of the carnivorous sea horses. The island of Thisby is a hard scrabble place that needs the tourists the annual Scorpio Races brings, to survive. Puck and her two brothers have lost their parents to the flesh eating horses and life has been very difficult since then for them. Whereas Puck and Finn love the island, older brother Gabe has announced he is leaving with his two friends, because he can't take it anymore. Sean Kendrick and Puck alternate telling their stories. Sean Kendrick loves his Capill uisce, Corr and Puck loves her quarter pony; and it is Sean who stands up for Puck as the first female rider, against those islanders that challenge her. I really disliked both Mutt Malvern and his father. I wanted to like Mr. Malvern, but I could see that he was like Sean Kendrick (poor) but he was never going to let Sean or Corr go. I saw true evil in Mutt and it was difficult to read when he tried to "hurt" those associated with Sean Kendrick. But it was the slowly moving, delicate relationship of Puck and Sean that I applaud. Stiefvater takes two people who are animal lovers and through deliberate situations, moves them from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends and then a mutual respect and love. Highly recommended!
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