My rating: 5 of 5 stars
For the third and final book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls, I so enjoyed the story, the suspense, the maturation of the characters (Sam and Grace, Isabel and Cole)and the ending was very satsifying. Sam and Grace were still such an in-love couple, caring deeply for each other even when one was a wolf. They even got cocky Cole St. Clair to become a supporter and believer in their devotion to each other. Isabel was still the ice queen but both she and Cole definitely thawed toward each other and oh did I enjoy when they were under the table in her mother's exam room!!! I really disliked what Isabel's dad was intent upon doing to the wolves and it was Cole who really grew as a human/wolf in order to help the wolf line. It was a definite page turner, and I really hated whenever any of them had to become wolves with all the popping bones, yuck! But I am going to miss not having another novel of Sam and Grace to look forward to; Maggie Stiefvater better start working on another great series for those of us she hooked!
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