My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Many dog lovers won't want to read this book when they know how this dog suffered as a puppy. But it is precisely for that reason I had to read this book. Yes, it was so horrible what happened to Oogy but his resilience, his faith in humans,and his will to survive made this a must read for me and I am so glad I did. The author, Larry Levin, is a true animal lover and a visit to his vet with his dying cat changed his life. Odd looking Oogy, the pup, came running out and tackled one of his sons and it was love at first sight! Larry and his boys, didn't hesitate for a second, and wanted to know whose dog it was. When they were told no one owned Oogy, they wanted Oogy. I am an animal lover and I am compelled to read dog stories, fiction or nonfiction, and I just can't believe how evil people are who prey on defenseless animals, time and time again. Many times for sport, but it usually involves money and I just wish these evil people would see the light and stop hurting, killing and maimming??? animals. We need many more Larry Levin's and Ardmore Animal Hospital angels like Diane and Dr. Bianco. Oogy's life is wonderful now but he has filled the Levin's family with happiness, caring and steadfastness and this is all you can ask for when you love and own a dog.
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