

February 3



St. Louis, MO

Name of Your School / Library / Organization:

I am the librarian at a Catholic, all-girls, college prep private high school (grades 9 - 12) named Nerinx Hall by the Sisters of Loretto who sponsor the school. Nerinx Hall is a 1-1 laptop school that was recently named an Apple Distinguished School for 2008. Personally, my interests are varied. The easiest way to describe them is that I am usually interested in pursuing paths that take me out of the range of selective targeting by the media. So for example, a city girl born and raised, I find it very restful to go to county fairs, especially ones about antique farm equipment. None of it is being marketed to me so there is no seduction to the advertising. As a highly-educated professional I enjoy watching sports where marketers would not expect to find me. Watching DVDs of old TV shows gives me the opportunity to enjoy the performances while being subjected to zero advertising. Contrast that with watching the nightly news on network TV where apparently I am smack-dab in the middle of the intended market as a member of the baby boomer generation. Pharmaceutical commericals for laxatives, gastro complaints, and physical incontinence drive me wild. It reminds me of Saturday nights when I was a little girl and we had to have Lawrence Welk on for my grandma. GERITOL!!!!

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  • Greetings Carol,

    I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of http://www.GettingBoysToRead.com. Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.

    If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us http://www.facebook.com/SupportSchoolLibraries . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!


    Mike McQueen

    Teacher Librarian at McLain HS

    Lakewood, CO

  • Hi Carol,
    I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - http://GettingBoysToRead.com. Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.

    Mike McQueen

    LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
    My FACEBOOK Profile
    My TWITTER Profile
  • I just altered my library's webpage to display some of the newer books we have received. I used a widget from LibraryThing!!! So cool.
    See the results at http://www.nerinxhs.org/Lib.html
  • No, school blocks this.
  • O.K. Carol. I'm going to take the opportunity to join this group.
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