I'm toying with the idea of setting a computer up near the front entrance of my high school library to use as an electronic sign in and an information display.
Currently we have a handmade sign that is boring and a clipboard for students to sign in. I'm thinking of creating a Google Form for students to use to sign in.
Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions?
Thanks so much for the powerpoint! I understand what you are talking about & will begin using it when our students get their id cards in a couple of weeks. I'm so glad that I am a member of this group & that everyone is willing to help out.
Where are you in PA? My hubby is from the Johnston/Windber area. It's a beautiful state--just a little too cold for me! LOL!
sorry! One l
This is my third year using a Google Docs form for students to sign in to the library. I have an old laptop with the doc set as its homepage. I was able to get this from our IT department because it was too old to be used as a 'regular' computer, but was perfect for allowing access to the Google form and the OPAC.
Every question is set as a required response. They are:
Student name
Pass is from (teacher names are in a drop down list)
Block (including before school - our most popular)
I am here to (with a select as many as apply - books, computer, research, test, tech support, print, read, etc.)
The reports and graphs are terrific for your information and for including in your reports. I can also quickly scan the spreadsheet when to verify the location of a student.
Best of luck!
We have Destiny also. Do you mean they scan their IDs to check out books or just to sign in to the library?
OK so I went back and here it is:
In Destiny click on REPORTS Tab- choose PATRONS
Click on PATRON LISTS- choose patron names (then select by BARCODE LIST) but if you don't use that you could keep it at NAME But you would have to ask each student their name.
As each student scans their ID, it adds how many are coming in. When you go to the bottom to RUN REPORT, it puts the student names and barcodes in. We staple it and put it with our days information.
Let me know how it works for you!