AASL hosted Learning Commons at ALA Annual 2010

The 2009 AASL National Conference Committee was so pleased with the Bloggers' Cafe (http://aaslbloggerscafe.wikispaces.com/) that we would like to bring the idea to ALA Annual in D.C. When you look at the wiki keep in mind that all of these sessions and the teaching around the topics were offered on a volunteer basis. Many librarians are intimidated by technology tools and this space created a risk free comfortable environment. The success of this flexible collaborative space really embodied the idea of the Learning Commons. Exploration is underway to review the possibility of AASL securing a public space to host the commons at ALA Annual 2010. If you have seen the YALSA gaming station this is the type of space we have in mind. Here are a few specifications: Vision: To create a dynamic learning environment for the entire library profession led by 21st Century Teacher-Librarians goals: * demonstrate model school library space * introduce technology and provide hands-on mentoring * meet immediate interests and needs not addressed by concurrent sessions * free conference wide access to AASL talent * outreach to ALA audience to promote AASL standards and membership setup * located in a highly visible area, preferably near registration and/or high traffic areas * wi-fi and power equipped * flexible seating arrangement * projector and screen * plasma screen to promote ongoing sessions other notes:opportunity to get sponsors to provide furnishings, wifi, laptops etc and AASL members to serve as Teacher-Librarian staff. The NMSA has this to offer: http://www.nmsa.org/annual/21stCenturyClassroom/tabid/1778/Default.aspx What is needed is a well crafted vision and related goals. Please contribute to this effort -TODAY! This will need to be forwarded by Friday. Also available here: http://schoollibrarywebsites.wikispaces.com/Learning+Commons

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  • So sorry to have missed this posting in time for the deadline! I hope you will continue posting updates here. I will (hopefully) be attending the conference. I presented pln4ed.wikispaces.com at the bloggerscafe in Charlotte. Fabulous forum!

    Please let me know how I can help!
  • I wondered if we could expand the possibilities for innovation by including another partner within ALA, such as the Learning Roundtable (http://alalearning.org/2009/11/27/the-library-trainer-as-constructi...)? I have several friends/colleagues in this group whom I think could be instrumental additions to our team, and I’m happy to inquire if they would be interested in joining us.
  • Since the ALA and ISTE 2010 Conferences conflict again this year, our group can do much to develop communications between librarians who attend both conferences. ISTE's SIGMS will likely be hosting a "21st Century Media Center Playground" on one of the days. We also will have a slate of other activities that will feature Web 2.0 back channels and we have requested videostreaming of several events. We will communicate our entire schedule in one clear matrix to make it easy to "plug in" with others at any time. I think it would be a great move on the part of this group to merge plans for SIGMS at ISTE 2010 with those at ALA and any Learning Commons and communicate that matrix jointly since we all benefit greatly from both conferences.
  • Great work, Ernie! Just a few ideas. We want to encourage conversations in this space--stuff that is on folks minds, spontaneous follow-ups to keynotes and sessions, instructional bandaids to address newly discovered knowledge gaps. We also want people who are not on the official calendar to feel brave enough to present or lead discussions. It is important that the space doesn't turn into formal presentation space. It should represent our sharing culture. We need to make sure there is some kind of way to plan and broadcast our unschedule, those newly "booked" ideas and conversations that are about to happen.
    • thanks Joyce. We will need to be sure to connect this space to a similar space at ISTE.
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