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  •  Hello everyone who may have had problems last night----

    Here is the link Advocacy   (and also below) Star Advocacy: Proving Your Worth In Tough Times

    and then you go down to the webinar archive link and you will be able to get the whole archived webinar:)  Let me know if you have any problems.

    Make sure you bookmark the tlvirtual cafe for the monthly webinars and they will always be archived. And they always take place at 8pm EST


  • We must be having "technical difficulties."  I'm wondering, BJ, if the webinar could be made available for listening at a later date? 

    This topic has a real interest to me as our school is considering making our library position a staffed position as opposed to the volunteer staffing it has had up until now.
  • Thanks, will try.
  • I switched computers and was able to get in.  Try this link

  • Hi, first time on the site and attending an event.  How do I get into the room?
  • Me too; just waiting to begin hearing audio.
  • Attempting to enter room, but nothing is happening.
  • What time will that be in Australia?
  • Hope to be there, thank you!
  • It will have lots of great information!
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