Information Fluency Teacher Resource Kits
- Getting Started with the Search Process
- Instructional Guidelines Database Selection
- Deep Web Searching
- Question to Query
- Optimal Queries
- Effective Operators
- Homing in on Relevant Information
- Browsing: Directories, Links, Tags
- Web 2.0 Search Applications
- Evaluation: Author, Publisher, Bias, Links, Date, Evidence, Accuracy
- Ethical Use
- Citation
- An interactive game Micromodule companion: Understand how to discover pages that link to the webpage under investigation.
- An interactive MicroModule companion. This tutorial provides an opportunity to apply research and detective techniques that help you find the author of a website.
- An interactive MicroModule companion. Investigative techniques for determining the Publisher of a website.
- An interactive MicroModule companion. How to recognize indicators of Bias. Read passages from actual websites then check your understanding of bias using 5 essential criteria.
- An interactive MicroModule companion. Determine the freshness of information by fining out how recently a web page was published or updated.
- Five separate evaluation challenges that compare your investigative findings to those of others in your class. Can you detect which websites are hoaxes and which are not?
- Live webpage evaluation games that challenge your skills to locate and evaluate information on the Internet.
- This tutorial provides an opportunity to apply copyright and fair use knowledge in a learning game setting.
- Our original plagiarism challenge: can you tell which students are guilty of plagiarism? \nTest your skills at detecting plagiarism.
- Part two of this series of tutorial games for improving one's understanding of plagiarism and how to avoid it.
- Part three of series of tutorial games for improving one's understanding of plagiarism and how to avoid it. This game asked you to investigate science topics. Plagiarized or Paraphrased? Test your skills at detecting plagiarism.