My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book is a nonfiction finalist in the Hub Challenge (Morris & Nonfiction). Candace Fleming weaves a thoroughly well researched time in Russian history in which the czar, Nicholas II was totally unprepared and suited to be a ruler. He falls in love and marries Alexandra of Germany and abdicates most of his decision making to her. The problem was that Alexandra believed in a religion dominated by mysticism and she became obsessed with collecting icons, kneeling in prayer and later, a staunch advocate of the charlatan, Rasputin. At a time when Russia needed a strong leader, war erupts and Nicholas drives his country into further distress with his inept leadership. All the while, Fleming weaves into each chapter in a shadowbox-- a look into the lives of the Russian people- peasants, farmers, factory workers and soldiers whose lives were miserable, toiling long hours for low wages and shortages of housing, food, and everything else. An in depth, compelling look at the Romanov family- with their 4 daughters and 1 son -a hemophiliac(both parents decide to keep his life threatening illness a secret from all) is heartbreaking in so many ways. A must read for students and adults!
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