- iTouches in the library.
- A Scratch project being the best a student had ever worked on, and how it met AASL disposition standards of having students show adaptability and resilience when they couldn't figure it out.
- Glogster for multimedia posters, booktalks, etc.
- Books on Foot, a program to have students listen to audiobooks while walking on school campus and logging their steps online, meets NYS ELA standard for listening, PE standards and lifelong fitness, while promoting reading and author studies to boot.
- Google squared for a visual matrix of relevant articles/subtopics on a topic.
- Google Image (Advanced Search) can limit results to pictures "labeled for reuse" and thus not a copyright violation to use. Google Timeline (can't find how to get to it, wait til Ross Todd uploads his presentation to the SLMS conference Wiki) to visually chart when the most web pages/articles about a topic peaked.
- Start a guerrilla marketing information literacy campaign, complete with regularly-changing slogans for info lit principles/standards courtesy of sloganizer.net, use them on printed signs, bookmarks, widgets on your library page with voki and other avatar technologies. Oh, and gotta get that vocabulary sheet Paige Jaeger handed out to see if I can use it to help get teachers using the same terms as district librarians so we're using a common vocab... Lots to do!
- Catching up on my Knowledge Quests shows me I've got to get cracking...after assessing her need to hone her lesson design skills, Sarah Sindelar decided to join a book study group on "Understanding By Design" in Second Life and Moodle--what a great idea! And Mary Keeling described her district's 4th year implementing a standardized Inquiry Process complete with a scope and sequence document for its implementation K-5. Whew, what an enormous and praiseworthy undertaking!
- Also at the SLMS conference, Laura Boggs shared her award-winning student-made documentary, of which I was in awe of. But I happened to see her regional (Quasar III ) BOCES school library system's Inquiry Research Process documentation...and it seemed great. From their site, it looks like they rolled it out complete with presentations to faculty, etc. This is just what my district librarians are hoping to accomplish, so I've got to add this to the close-read list...
- Oh, and just found out that AASL published a book Empowering Learners and "Learning4Life" campaign to support its efforts in improving SL programs and integration of the new standards nationwide. It is the topic of the NYLA/SLMS Carol A. Kearney Leadership Retreat for 2010 in Ithaca, Aug. 2-3. I hope to attend but have to see if the kids and husband can make it without me for two nights!
- Now to figure out if Ning is the way to go to keep track of all these thoughts swirling around my head. Or should it be Evernote, which I recently learned about by following Will Richardson's Tweets, and which works on my iTouch but apparently syncs up to many devices (not sure if it'll work in school though)....
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