Information Investigator 3.1

A limited time preview of the 21st Century Information Fluency Project's online self-paced training and assessment course is now available to all educators.
We use a game based scenario that puts the student into the process of working their way into medical school as they complete real time search challenges. This is our newest approach to information fluency assessment and training.
This work aligns directly to ISTE NETS for Students 3. Research and Information Fluency. It also promotes informational reading as called for in the Common Core Standards.
This package starts with a 10-level interactive tutorial that diagnoses and strengthens eight key search and evaluation competencies.
Research and Information Fluency Assessment: Online Self-Paced ClassLive search challenges are coupled with "first aid kits" that address the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.
A Certification Exam is provided after the tutorials to assess information fluencies in finding and evaluating information.
The entire experience can be completed in about 3 hours.
If you are interested in previewing the entire package for your students, please contact Carl at
The course and your personal performance assessment is completely free.
The 21st Century Information Project was originally funded by a Federal Department of Education grant. This course and assessment package is part of a 3 year project and was developed with feedback from teachers and library media specialists across the country.
Over 900 students in middle school and high school took the course this summer and improved their information fluency scores by over 50%.
Take the first step! Contact Carl at