My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have always enjoyed Jennifer E. Smith books; she has a great way with getting guys and girls together and weaving heartfelt romances in many ways. Clare and Aidan have been together for the past two years and now it is the night before they leave for college and some decisions have to be made - break up or stay together. At first I was not to sure I wanted to read this because quite frankly it seemed trivial (especially with all the heavy topic books I have been reading) but I love Smith's books and I grew to love Clare and Aiden, their friends, and their last two years as a couple who "dove" one another (you have to read the book). Aiden melted my heart with his steadfast love for Clare. Clare was a little too meticulous about their final night and revisiting special highlights, all the while being convinced they were breaking up. But I rooted for Clare and I was not disappointed! The ending is tremendous.
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