My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this fairy tale as part of the Hub Challenge and Dashti, the servant girl of Lady Saren is the protagonist who stole my heart. She was down to earth, loyal, loved animals, and used music as a way to heal. Saren & Dashti are sealed in a tower for 7 years by Saren's father because she refuses to marry this evil man, Khasar. As they settle in, Khan Tegus is the ruler Lady Saren promised herself to and as he sneaks & visits them, Saren makes Dashti talk to Tegus as Lady Saren. This arrangement is uncomfortable to Dashti but she took and oath to obey her Lady and she continues to do what Lady Saren does throughout the story. What an engrossing tale Shannon Hale weaves, complete with animals Dashti & Saren love and depend on. The ending was my favorite part! Highly recommended for those who enjoy fairy tales and retellings and great storytelling.
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