I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of http://www.GettingBoysToRead.com. Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.
If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us http://www.facebook.com/SupportSchoolLibraries . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - http://GettingBoysToRead.com. Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.
Well, you've sure been around the geographical horn, Soteria. I was born in Wis., taught in California, Canada, Japan and am in the process of returning to my roots in America's Dairyland. I see you in Elmhurst. I did my MM, MA @ NIU in De Kalb & my doctoral residency @ Northwestern U in Evanston. Many fond memories from the Land of Lincoln.
You will be used to this group within a few days?its my open offer if you fell any problem or have any question just write me.i shall try my best to entertain you.
i live in pakistan, have served the high school library for more than 10 years.recently serving the special library as librarian.
Dear how is your job going .did you served throughout the high school are have other excperiene too?
hopefully we will remain in contact infuture.
Greetings Soteria,
I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of http://www.GettingBoysToRead.com. Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.
If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us http://www.facebook.com/SupportSchoolLibraries . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!
Mike McQueen
Teacher Librarian at McLain HS
Lakewood, CO
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - http://GettingBoysToRead.com. Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.
Mike McQueen
LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile</</body>
You will be used to this group within a few days?its my open offer if you fell any problem or have any question just write me.i shall try my best to entertain you.
i live in pakistan, have served the high school library for more than 10 years.recently serving the special library as librarian.
Dear how is your job going .did you served throughout the high school are have other excperiene too?
hopefully we will remain in contact infuture.