March 18
March 18
British Columbia
Name of Your School / Library / Organization:
I have taught for 18 years in Elementary School in northern British Columbia. I have taught K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and learning assistance. (Also a little grade 10 science). However, I have never been a teacher librarian before and have no formal training. I intend to accept a post for a .5 position in a rural school in Sept. (95% are ESL students; the majority students speak only German at home). We have 19 teachers at out school. It is a K-12 school with 332 students. The students are hard working, polite and friendly. Great school to work at. However, I really need some distant ed course and some Pro-d/confernce. We moved out here for our family. My son went into grade 8 this year and we believed this would be a good opportunity for him for graduate from a small school-(he was in a small French Immersion school from K-7 and was about to go into a large main stream grade 8-10 school). My husband has been an administrator in town for the past 5 years (he taught 13 years at a junior high school-science prior to this). The move has been absolutely wonderful!!! (A great pleasure as we had many people shake their heads when we told them what we wanted to do). I know, taking on the library, (as the person in there now is retiring at the end of this year), is going to be a challenge. I am afraid and looking forward to it at the same time. I love reading, books, research, history. I know I will be looking for experience from this blog!
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Greetings Donna,
I'm Mike McQueen, teacher librarian and founder of Like many school districts, we are in a financial crises. Our school board recently proposed to eliminate ALL 20+ middle school teacher librarians and also cut all 90+ elementary schools to half time. Since we are the biggest district in all of Colorado, we worry this will cause other districts to follow suit. We launched an online movement and are going to do our best to put up a good fight.
If possible, please visit our Facebook page and "Like" us . Adding a positive comment and sharing with your friends would help our morale as well. The board finalizes the budget soon so your timely support would be greatly appreciated!
Mike McQueen
Teacher Librarian at McLain HS
Lakewood, CO
I'm a teacher librarian & recently started a community based blog for getting boys to read - Please send me a friend request if you'd like to network, share ideas, and learn more about getting boys to read.
Mike McQueen
LET'S NETWORK HERE TOO (request me as a friend):
My TWITTER Profile
I have served a degree college as Lecturer, as well as librarian for more than 11 present serving a technical organization as you asked about confrences,nodoubt they are useful but you have to pick the idea and have to apply accroding to situation prevailing in your organization.
hopefully we shall remain in contact in future