Hi everyone. Please forgive my multiple postings of this notice!
As some of you may have heard on twitter, we are putting together a book group for teacher librarians and other educators. For our first book, we've decided to read "Comprehension and
No, this doesn't have anything to do with rowdy kids. It's about the game-changing innovations in education that people such as Michael Horn predict will radically alter schools, especially high schools. http://www.michaelbhorn.com/
I recently went
Our Principal is asking the 5th grade team to read a fiction book in conjunction with their science curriculum. They study Isaac Newton and basic physics. I have suggested a biography of Newton, but that's not exactly what they want. While there are
Hi, all
Acclaimed Southern author Janice Daugharty (DARK OF THE MOON, WHISTLE, EARL IN THE YELLOW SHIRT) has now written a literary YA novel, THE LITTLE KNOWN, publishing in Feb. 2010. Knot Crews, a young African American boy growing up in a segrega
I am a new LMS in a MS/HS and am interested in participating in some virtual collaboration and/or video conferencing with others students from other states or countries. We are in NY, USA. Is anyone interested or does anyone have any good advice?
Hi, I recently attended VSTE and I attended a session present by Stanley and Wierzba called "Internet Safety: A First Aid Kit for All Expeditions". I am looking for information presented in that session, specifically a link or file of the PSA that wa
Has anyone experience with the privatization of their custodial staff? Our school is studying it and we are looking for comments (particularly the negative ones) to present to the BOE.
Thanks for your thoughts,
Laurie Murrell
I just subscribed to LibGuides, and because of my district's budget deadline I didn't do a whole lot of investigating beforehand. It is used by the colleges most of our students attend. Plus I have seen on some great school library websites.
Any gre
Anyone using wikis to collaborate with teachers? I am researching teacher and librarian collaboration using wikis and would like to know if anyone is using them to collaborate with teachers in their schools. If so, how is the process working for you?
I have been fighting with our OPAC company (Companion Corp Alexandria) over their new version 6 software which is too elementary school oriented and flawed to be of any use.
Does anyone have suggestion on an economical OPAC for high school library u
I'm building a case for our principal to invest in Turnitin.
It's rather expensive so I can understand any reluctance.
Who has it?
Who thinks it's good value?
British International school, Vietnam
The 2009 AASL National Conference Committee was so pleased with the Bloggers' Cafe (http://aaslbloggerscafe.wikispaces.com/) that we would like to bring the idea to ALA Annual in D.C. When you look at the wiki keep in mind that all of these sessions
I am organizing 12 different book clubs in my school and need some material for "I'd Tell You I Love You but I'd Have to Kill You" by Ally Carter.
If you have any discussion questions or activities for that book, please share!
I am a high school librarian. A colleague and I are preparing a presentation( for other librarians) on collaboration. Any unique models out there? Is collaboration in your school teacher or librarian driven? We are interested in knowing if there is a
Can you help me think of a good, cheap thingy to use as a book dummy? I am going to shelve some of our fiction series in another place (for space sake) in our elementary library, but need to put a dummy on the shelf to direct users. The best I can co
I have over 20 years worth of bound periodicals (Time, Newsweek and Life) and I would like to get rid of them. What do other libraries do? Do you just throw them out? Does anyone know anyone who would want them?
We had a committee that lasted 3 years and never reached our goal of providing students with reading for enjoyment. We did manage to rouse their creativity with the assessment option of a project (NO essays) or a test on the book, and we were WOWed b