The end of the library as we know it???

Hi all, I found this really cute little tool and thought that I would have some fun with it. You can make your own and post it in your reply/comment as well then we cna come up with some inventive librarian ideas... See what you think... The site where I created is is here: hop over and become creative.....

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  • Very cool, Maggie! I just used it to post an announcement for an online course I teach. It would be a good attention getter for teachers to use on the webpage where they post homework assignments!
    • What a neat idea. Are there different videos that can play with different messages? I'm going to have to check this out. On the subject of the end of libraries, I just read this article: which was about how libraries have to change but how exciting it is to be a librarian right now!
  • Now THAT is a fun generator.
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