Tech Savvy Schools in London (UK)

Hi I will be in London on the 2nd of April and would really like to visit a learning resources centre or school media centre if possible.  I am hoping to see how other schools handle their digital resources, e-books, kindles  as well as share some ideas on collaborative projects and ICT  teaching and learning at each of our schools. From what I can tell many  schools will be closed for Easter but I have heard that some may actually be open. If you work at such a school or know of one in the London area could you please reply to this discussion?

Thanks everyone,


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  • Dear Jen:  I cannot provide you with what you want, but I was relieved to realize that I am not alone in the quest for "how to´s" toward the future of libraries!  I have to submit a plan for library improvement and feel very much in a "cloud"!!!  Unfortunately not the productive cloud!!!

    Hope you are lucky!  Please post interesting ideas should you find them!



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