New Moon @ The Library Monday after the Movie!

We are planning a teen event at our library Monday after the New Moon Movie opens. We are looking for ideas to lure teens back to a 6PM event. Does anyone have any great ideas for our book/movie discussion? I am thinking of running a chatzy or something like a back channel, but also want some other original ideas. I am looking for some discussion questions to guide our chat, as well as other ideas.

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  • I wonder if we can do it together via Skype. I am hoping to have a similar discussion with my kids, Cathy. Can we coordinate?
    • Hey Joyce I was outvoted--we've had to change our New Moon Book Discussion to The Thursday BEFORE the movie, and it will be right afterschool--3:45-5:15PM.
      • Hi Cathy,
        I don't think I am going to be able to get a pre-movie discussion going. Would you consider a chat with us after Thanksgiving?
      • My students will be meeting during lunch on Nov. 20. Prizes connected to the Twilight series lure them in; also questions about what scenes from the book they most look forward to in the movie and why.
    • we certainly can try it!! Can you come up with some intersting book/movie comparison questions? Im also considering a voicethread
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