I am brand new at this. I have been hired for my first year as a M.C. for k-5. I have been teaching for 5 years and feel comfortable with the first days of school in the classroom, but how do I begin in the media center. I would appreciate any ideas (innovative of course) to begin book care, library rules, and procedures. Thanks so much for all of your help!
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I am also new - am in the process of being hired now. Will receive my MLS from University of North Texas in two weeks but have taught secondary 19 years. Start this week as an elementary and middle school librarian in Houston. One of my first jobs is to help with a technology inservice for teachers for the beginning of the school year. Can anyone give me a tip on an easy and fast avatar creating free app teachers can use on the web that can be used with voicethread? I would use this as part of a morning inservice. Thanks,
Cherlyn Glanville
Cherlyn Glanville