Looking for NEW titles for 11th grade Literature Analysis

We use the classics for teaching literary elements but would like a few suggestions for currently published (last 10 years) titles that our English teachers can use with 11th grade students.  The goal is to analyze for literary elements with "off the beaten path" books.  Any suggestions?

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  • Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. It's a steam punk novel set at the beginning of WWI. Imagine if the Allies had amazing genetically modified beasts and the Axis had futuristic technology. There's a lot of politics mixed in here, too. This book taught me how WWI actually started! A great read that's certainly "off the beaten path".
  • Thank you Andrew,
    I have both of these titles in my library and the kids do seem to love them. I haven't read them myself, but I will pass along your recommendation to my English teachers.
    Thank you for your help.
  • Hi there. I think Feed by M T Anderson would be an awesome book to do with this age group http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Feed/M-T-Anderson/e/9780763622596/...
    It is a very topical dystopian novel with a great story line which I think teens will readily identify with. At the very least buy a copy for your library! Just note that there is a fair amount of swearing-if that is an issue. But an absolutely chilling satire with lots of food for thought and material for class discussion. The other book which I loved is An abundance of Katherines by John Green. Although I have enjoyed all three of his books I think this one is the most optimistic and funny. Should be on all school library shelves! (Although does have a fair amount of bad language and has been challenged in various parts of the States-you would need to buy it and let your English teachers read it first). (Of course, I am writing from South Africa, but when you are looking for riveting books for this age group your throw your net far and wide!)

    I hope you find something your teachers can use and take care, Andrew van Zyl
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