links to story time

Does anyone have a link to a video of  books being read for k or 1st grade?  It can't be youtube.  Don't worry, I read to them myself too.  This is just something to play while I am checking out books.  I don't have a clerk so I need something for them to focus on  while I am behind the circ desk getting their books scanned.





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  • this one is pretty good, they are all really great books, not just cartoons.
  • What a great idea, do you have the children find their books before hand, and then have them all seated before you begin check out? I can see them walking around and making it hard for the others to concentrate on the story. I think pbs has a great site for stories, and nick at least for k-2 maybe just k-1 and there is a great site for online books I will look it up.
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