I was hoping some people might have some ideas or successful policies. The library I run currently has two computers labs connected to us, and I have some teachers complaining about how often certain teachers end up scheduling the lab (ie hogging all the time and, essentially, just doing a "computer day" for their class so they don't have to lesson plan).
I obviously don't want to monitor whether or not teachers are doing worthwhile lesson plans in the computer labs, but since I have to do the scheduling, should I set limits to how often teachers can schedule time in the labs? How often is too often, or should this be a "first-come, first-serve" process?
Also, we do have two laptop carts, though they can be unreliable at times.
Thanks to anyone with suggestions/ideas!
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Hold it: aren't we supposed to be professionals? This lose-lose situation you're caught in, Chelaine, is just another reason (Reason #451) I depise the library w/computer lap annex design cliche. Take my advice, teacher librarians: get your own technology, integrate it organically into your library, let it serve your program's educational mission, and refuse to getting stereotyped and trapped into a custodian of hardware role.
Now that you're faced with the situation, Chelaine, I would definitely refuse to have anything to do with the sign up process. Classroom teachers are adults and can work out their own conflicts; don't tarnish your workday wallowing in that petty pond.
Rhonda Jagnow > Jeffrey HastingsJanuary 23, 2010 at 2:23pm
Your first point is well taken, Jeffrey; however, I feel compelled to share "my technology" with the masses when it is not being used for library related work involving me. I can't turn away a class who needs to write essays and leave 25 computers idle (we have 50 in the library). We have many other labs and laptop carts as well, but the tech integration in classrooms just keeps increasing the needs.
It's a very gray area as to what qualifies as library and information skills nowadays, isn't it? I think we have to maintain some control or we'll be passed over.
Bonnie Hauser > Rhonda JagnowJanuary 28, 2010 at 5:33am
We have been running for two years with only one lab for 2700 students. It has been difficult to manage, but once I moved my lab sign up online, things got much easier for me. Teachers now plan to use the lab further in advance, and the transparency it creates makes it easier for teachers to hold each other accountable for overuse. They also work together to share if both have small classes or only need it for half of the time.
I had this situation in a middle school. One thing you might try is to approach your principal with the scheduling issue, mentioning that there have been some complaints, and see if he/she might want to co-author a policy with you so you're not the "middle man" all by yourself! My principal at the time limited teachers to 1 1/2 hours at a time, not more than 3 days a week. Unless it was some special project, like the kids were doing powerpoint presentations, typing up research papers, etc. , and in that case, they had to fill out a planning document that showed what they were doing. Hope this helps a little! It's always tough when you know people are kind of fudging on things by hanging out in the lab, but you hate to be the one to say no! ;-)
Thanks everyone! I love all your ideas. I especially like that the policy really keeps coming back to teachers' decision - I should try to get into a department head meeting and have them help me come up with ideas that they think will work best for their departments.
I think I might ask if they'd like to try Cynthia's plan of having one lab open-access, another lab have limited availability for two weeks at a time, and the library computer area under management of TL (and, with hope, more collaborative lessons). But we'll see what works with them. This is my first year in a library (and at their school) so changes are always a little upsetting to everyone. But from what I've been hearing, this has been a problem for some time.
Chelaine, I also use a "first-come, first-serve" style of booking time in the computer lab. Although we have no formal policy, I try to limit teachers to three periods (maximum) in a given time slot. If nobody else signs up for what would be day four, I will notify the original teacher, and if he/she needs it, that will be fine. There are some periods of the day that are always in demand, while others are often available. It can become a problem, but teachers are usually realistic about the finite number of computers and labs. I also try to discourage someone from trying to sign up for more than two or three weeks at a time. While I applaud the early signer-upper and I'm not thrilled with the person who asks as the bell is ringing about using the lab, my general sense and judgment is that all teachers should have a reasonable opportunity to sign up. Good luck!
We don't limit lab sign-ups, but we do look for ways to mitigate teachers signing up for lots of blocks: discussions and general education through department chairs and individual conversations. We also go to the people who sign up for the labs all the time first if there's a shortage and they're generally very willing to release a block, as they realise they're in there all the time.
In past years, we've used a paper sign-up, which means we've been able to help find solutions directly as people come in and gripe. (They gripe that X has all these slots signed out, we go and work with X.) This year, we went to an electronic schedule, and that's been working surprisingly well - in part, though, because we've been aiming at going to 1:1 next year, and everyone now sort of is in "We just have to cope with computer limits for one more year.")
We have three labs available for booking, and had similar issues. I met with all the department heads to resolve the issue so I didn't come across as the "lab cop." We decided to limit bookings in one lab to a maximum of 3 blocks per teacher, and have sign-up sheets available for only 2 weeks ahead. I mainain control of the library lab, and book only it only after consultation with teachers who plan to use it co-operatively with me. The third lab is first come, first served. This has made a huge improvement in the situation.
What works for my staff and I is having a first come first serve policy for teachers to sign up. However, only two weeks worth of sign up sheets are put out at a time. So that means that nobody can sign up for block one on every Thursday, for example (I hope that makes sense). If any teachers have sit down with me to plan a unit or lesson. I fill in the block that they want before the sheet goes out.
We do have two computer labs, so the library lab is used more for research and cooperative teaching (TL and Teacher) and the other lab is used more for just word processing ( when teachers don't need support from a TL)
I have had no complaints yet....
It isn't our place to determine whether a teacher is using the computer lab for a "worthwhile" activity. If you are responsible for scheduling the lab, it should be on a first come first served basis. Don't penalize those who plan ahead to compensate for the teachers who need it at the last minute because they think their computer usage is more important than anyone elses!! Also--the teacher who signs up know their class, how well they stay on task, and should be able to determine the amount of time they need to occupy the computers. Sometimes an assignment takes longer than planned. Also you have to allow for technological problems that arise unexpectedly that inhibits students productivity.
I have teachers who plan months in advance and others who sign up the moment class starts and they decide they need it.
Now that you're faced with the situation, Chelaine, I would definitely refuse to have anything to do with the sign up process. Classroom teachers are adults and can work out their own conflicts; don't tarnish your workday wallowing in that petty pond.
It's a very gray area as to what qualifies as library and information skills nowadays, isn't it? I think we have to maintain some control or we'll be passed over.
I think I might ask if they'd like to try Cynthia's plan of having one lab open-access, another lab have limited availability for two weeks at a time, and the library computer area under management of TL (and, with hope, more collaborative lessons). But we'll see what works with them. This is my first year in a library (and at their school) so changes are always a little upsetting to everyone. But from what I've been hearing, this has been a problem for some time.
In past years, we've used a paper sign-up, which means we've been able to help find solutions directly as people come in and gripe. (They gripe that X has all these slots signed out, we go and work with X.) This year, we went to an electronic schedule, and that's been working surprisingly well - in part, though, because we've been aiming at going to 1:1 next year, and everyone now sort of is in "We just have to cope with computer limits for one more year.")
We do have two computer labs, so the library lab is used more for research and cooperative teaching (TL and Teacher) and the other lab is used more for just word processing ( when teachers don't need support from a TL)
I have had no complaints yet....
I hope this helps.
I have teachers who plan months in advance and others who sign up the moment class starts and they decide they need it.