Posted by Beth Friese on November 25, 2009 at 4:19pm
Hi everyone. Please forgive my multiple postings of this notice!
As some of you may have heard on twitter, we are putting together a book group for teacher librarians and other educators. For our first book, we've decided to read "Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action" by Stephanie Harvey and Harvey Daniels. This book matches our current professional focus on inquiry, and promises to give all of us some practical ideas to implement in our schools. We hope this book will be relevant to all librarians, regardless of your school level.
Currently, this book is on sale from the publisher and offered with free shipping here:
We are planning to read the book over the winter break. I haven't quite decided how the discussions will be structured. I'd love any suggestions you have about starting dates or other points such as: should we have a weekly synchronous chat? If so, where? Should there also be a discussion board where you can post anytime? What other modes of communication would enable a rich discussion?
If you are interested in participating, please post your information here so I can keep you updated. (And if you have already posted your info to another book group post here on the Ning, once is great.) In the mean time, order the book and get ready for some great conversation!
Thanks, Beth Friese
Twitter: @librarybeth
You need to be a member of TLNing ( to add comments!
Hi, Beth,
If I'm not too late, I'd love to be part of this. On Twitter I'm beckymaher
My e-mail -
Thanks so much!
Beth Friese > Becky MaherDecember 29, 2009 at 3:50am
welcome, Becky! We are excited to have you. Definitely not too late. You can join us at the "Groups" tab above - have a look at what is going on. We are really just getting off the ground with the book.
My book won't arrive until after December 25, but I would like to join my other Michigan colleagues in the discussion. I will take a look under the Groups tab to see what is happening! Contact info:
Better late than never? I'd like to join the group. My Twitter is @Hermannian. I look forward some good discussion!
Sharon Hermann
Beth Friese > Sharon HermannDecember 21, 2009 at 4:33am
Hi Sharon. Not too late at all! Please join us in the "groups" tag above. You can join in the early conversations as you are waiting for the book to arrive!
If I'm not too late, I'd love to be part of this. On Twitter I'm beckymaher
My e-mail -
Thanks so much!
Sharon Hermann
Looking forward to learning with you.