I am looking for suggestions to make a research project conducted by Jr. & Sr. English/Social Studies teachers flow more smoothly for the library. The classes come in for a week in order for students to gather materials. Per the classroom teacher, book checkouts are not permitted as topics tend to overlap; therefore, past practice has been for the students to mark the pages they "think" they might need, hand the book over to my aide who photocopies the pages for them, which leaves her standing at the copy machine for about 2 days straight. This was my first experience with this "system", which I was not happy with (I inherited it). Hoping to make some changes for next year, I asked the teachers why it is done this way and if there could there be an easier way. I was told this is the way it has always been done, and they truly feel this is the best way. I don't agree. A book cart in the classroom was my first thought, but each grade level has more than one person teaching, which makes that a little difficult. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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what happened to note taking skills?
Good luck with that.