High School Professional Learning Communities

Our district is planning to change our daily schedules to incorporate weekly time for teachers to participate in professional learning communities. I would like to hear from other HS librarians. How, and in what ways have you participated in these opportunities?

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  • I am also looking for resources on plc's - currently just books - not much on-line community support yet.
  • Janet,

    We just started plc's. Currently the way we are grouped may or may not work. It was interesting to see the comments posted. How are your plc's going. In its short plc life, the plc's have allowed me to connect wikis and blogs to curriculum. We are thinking of beginning a blog or wiki to house our school questions and resources as well as discuss certain issues.
  • I have participated on the Data Team PLC -- because I wanted to learn a bit more about data and how it was going to be used by classroom teachers. I have since move to the Technology PLC as I can help individual teachers incorporate the use of technology into their lessons and by extension the use of library materials.... So far I have helped 2 teachers get started with websites, and a handful on creating power points, another teacher and I will work with the smart notebook the next time the group meets.
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