Is there anyone here who is on Google Wave? (I'm
I have found much information about Google Wave, but haven't had the opportunity to do much "waving" myself. I'm also unsure how this could be used in the school library.
P.S. Sorry I don't have any Google Invites (if I do, I'll let you know).
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Hi Everyone! I am on googlewave and would love to have colleagues to collaborate with! I am: Hope to catch you all soon!
Still trying to figure out how to find wave groups to join. I will search for a slmc wave. If I don't find one I will create one! GoogleWave crashed, so now not sure if you are viewing the wave I created with all of us, plus a couple of colleagues. Titled it SLMC.
PS I did have invites, but I have shared them all. Happy to post here if I receive additional invites and anyone is interested!
Although I've had a rather slow start exploring Google Wave, I am definitely interested. I'm not sure what to do with it either. That said, I imagine school libraries can join or initiate waves for our students/teachers that foster collaborations, especially interdisciplinary "discussions". Among library media specialist colleagues, we can wave about our experiences with web 2.0 -- things we like, successes, challenges, getting our teachers on board, etc.
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I just signed up. overdolibrarian at gmail dot com. Do we want to start a wave and play around with it together? We could share and explore ideas for using it in the slmc setting.
I just sent a wave to all of you good people and have invites for anyone else that might need one.
I would like to invite you to join the School Librarian Googlewave directory which is created by Anne Robinson, school librarian from the UK.
Still trying to figure out how to find wave groups to join. I will search for a slmc wave. If I don't find one I will create one! GoogleWave crashed, so now not sure if you are viewing the wave I created with all of us, plus a couple of colleagues. Titled it SLMC.
PS I did have invites, but I have shared them all. Happy to post here if I receive additional invites and anyone is interested!
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