creating a library "neighborhood"

I am a new librarian, and I noticed that the children are having a very difficult time independently finding books on their interest level.  I  spend a numerous amount of time taking the children to the shelves where they  would find a particular subject.  I teach k-5, so it is impossible to say to them...oh that book would be in the 500's dear.  I have explained to the kids that the library is like a neighboorhood,  Each row of shelves is like a street and each shelf is like an apartment building.  Therefore each book has a home.  I have gone even further by creating huge banners in publisher that look like street signs that say things like "Fiction St." or "Biography Ave."  I want to go even further and create houses out of cardstock with specific things on the roof for example 300's fairy tales, legends, etc  Each house will have it's own color.  At least this way I can tell a 1st grader who wants a book on dinosaurs "go to the house with the dinosaur on it, or the green house"  My question is...Is this lazy?  As a new librarian am I avoiding my duties by making it less of a distraction for myself.  I might add that I dont have an aid so EVERYTHING falls on my shoulders.  does anyone else have the problem of independence in their library, and how did you solve it?

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