I am an Architecture student at Catholic University. I currently have a project designing a children's library (toddler - elementary school). I am asking for your input and expert advice as a librarian. If you could answer a few questions or give any additional information I would greatly appreciate it. If you could design the ultimate children's library what would be on your wish list? What books do you feel are iconic and should be included in artwork or integrated into the design? What makes a children's library different? Anything else that you would tell the designer? Thank you for your time. This project is my final project for my design studio for the year. I will use any comments and ideas only as part of my research and not give out any contact information. I can be emailed directly here or at 09woods@cua.edu. Thank you

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  • I am a media specialist student and I recently completed a redesign project on an elementary school library as an assignment. One of the main design ideas for a good media center is that there be an unobstructed view of all areas of the media center from the circulation desk. No hiding places! There should also be a place for storytime, a place for visiting authors or presentations to take place, and areas to display student work - art, science, social studies and math projects. There needs to be areas for small groups or an entire class to meet and collaborate.

    I interviewed some students and they wanted comfortable reading areas with sofas and chairs or bean bags or a comfortable reading cubby with floor pillows. They wanted color on the walls and colorful rugs and furnishings. They mentioned action posters of sports figures, authors, singers and of people reading. A children's library needs to be an area of teaching and learning how to use a library as well as making use of the resources.
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