Brainyflix: Vocabulary Video Contest

Ohai! Did you think we forgot about you because it's now 2010? No way!!! :D


* Compete to win $600 for you and your school by making a fun, creative video teaching a word off of our list of popular SAT vocabulary. * Anyone can enter, and we'll have prizes for runner-ups and iTunes songs for anyone who submits 3 videos. * We've already begun accepting submissions! The deadline is 3/15/2010. For more details and good examples, go to: Your Brainyflix Buddies, Jack, Nori... & Introducing David - our awesome, new UI designer! P.S. - We're undergoing some renovations at the website because of David's great handiwork. Please excuse the look of it over the next couple weeks. We swear it's gonna look dooope. :]

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  • ***1 Month Left!!!***

    We've got 1 more month to accept submissions to our Video Contest! Compete to win $600 for you and your school by making a fun, creative video teaching a word off of our list of common SAT words.

    * We've already begun accepting submissions! The deadline is 3/15/2010.
    * Anyone can enter, and we'll have prizes for runner-ups and iTunes songs for anyone who submits 3 videos.
    * If you need to boost your grade, ask your teacher if s/he'll give you extra credit for it.

    Below is last year's winner if you need a good example. Think you can do better? We know you do. :)

    Your GotBrainy Guys,
    Jack & Nori
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