Book Cleaning

I'm a first year librarian and I had a student bring a book back today - he had gotten a nose bleed and dripped blood on one of the pages. It's completely dried on. Is there any way of cleaning it? If not I'm torn on making him replace it. We normally don't charge fines for elementary students, unless they ruin a book. It was an accident that he couldn't have prevented so I can't decide if he should pay for it or not. Any insight would be appreciated!

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  • I wouldn't charge for the book. We just have loss at times.

  • I think Melinda's suggestion is a good one. Maybe scan the text and tape in a new page copy? I also wouldn't charge for the book.

  • I wouldn't make him pay for it.  You don't want to turn him off of libraries and have him stop taking out books. Like you said - it was an accident.  Is there any way you can cut out the damaged page and replace it?

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