Advice for a new teacher-librarian

I just finished library school and got my first job as an intermediate school librarian.  I start up soon and am trying to figure out lessons for the first week.  What advice do you have for a new SLMS?  What was the most unexpected thing you learned your first year on the job?  What hints do you wish someone had told you when you first started? Any hints would be greatly appreciated! :)

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  • Steph.... Congrats on your new position. I am curious to see what the seasoned librarians share with you. I am going to be in your boat soon I hope. I am taking notes and preparing! Good luck in your new job!
  • It's been a l-o-o-o-n-g time since I was new, but I do remember this and have seen new librarians (OK, teacher librarians!) in my district face this, too: CHANGE is hard for your colleagues! I would expect that to be doubled since you're starting mid-year.

    I would not step in and make great changes all at once since that sends the message "What you've been doing is wrong". After you get to know the ropes at your school and make some inroads with your colleagues, you can begin to alter the things you need to. It will help if you can show how these changes will make things better for the students and help the teachers with their responsibilities.

    Also, always befriend the custodian and all secretaries and support staff! That's a big one!
  • If Doug Johnson has already replied then there is little left to say. I do like the book New On the Job. YOu might want to pick up a copy of that.
  • Hi Steph,

    I summarized my advice to newbies in a column you can find here.

    Good luck and welcome to the profession.

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