Hi! We're new here and were hoping for a bit of advice. Our school library is looking at upgrading the library database/search software. Currently we're dithering between Mandarin Oasis, Kelowna Software's L4U, and Follet's Destiny.
All three programs have some really strong positives, but it'd be great to get feedback from anyone who's used any of them, whether as librarian or as the end user.
Can anyone help us out?
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I upgraded my library to Follett Destiny in February. It's great! the kids love, love, love Destiny Quest! A plus with Destiny is that Follett hosts it. We don't have any equipment at the school--nothing to take care of except a few library computers. It's all web based--meaning you can run reports from home if you really want to.
I worked on the project for our division to bring Destiny to all our high schools. I loved it. It was easy to teach to our paraprofessionals as well as our LMS. Feel free to ask me any questions. Roxanne
I also use Follet's Destiny and love it - insist on some training from them - there is a TON you can do with it! I work at a high school and use many of Gale's databases. I've really liked them, but they are geared for MS and HS students.
Several of us in a rural area went with Winnebago 20 years ago, which was acquired by Follett. We now are planning to move to OpenSource, thought about Koha, now more serious about Evergreen.
I have been using Follett's Destiny this school year. I changed from Alexandria, and it has been smooth sailing! As Tiff said, it is user friendly, easy to import books, and simple to catalogue new books. I love that I can have the kids pictures displayed too. I have had no problems.
I just purchased and intstalled Destiny about 3 weeks ago. So far, it is FABULOUS! I have run tons of reports, imported books, cataloged books, and everything is SO user-friendly and also the tech support has been great. Just my 2 cents!
I have worked with Oasis, Horizon, SDM, L4U and Follett but not Follett Destiny. I have a preference for Follett over the others and I am looking forward to upgrading to Follett Destiny next year.
We use Destiny Follett in our Baltimore County. Here is a link to our Destinty Portal...
I have worked with Oasis, Horizon, SDM, L4U and Follett but not Follett Destiny. I have a preference for Follett over the others and I am looking forward to upgrading to Follett Destiny next year.
Richard Beadry
Langley Secondary