The Shortie Awards, now in its tenth year, is a free-to-enter film festival organized by the independent, non-commercial television broadcaster, MHz Networks.  It recognizes original digital media production created by youth filmmakers (ages 7-18) as well as by K-12 teachers.  The festival focuses on nurturing student imagination, collaboration, and choice making, and it is one of the only competitions in the world to provide expert analysis and critique to each entrant.  To celebrate the festival's 10th anniversary, we are expanding the Shortie Awards into a youth filmmaking conference, ShortieCon.  ShortieCon workshops will bring together young filmmakers and industry professionals for a weekend of training, networking, and showcasing of outstanding youth films.

We are eager to provide our audience of teachers and students with exceptional workshop experiences on emerging issues in youth filmmaking, media literacy, and future directions for 21st century classroom learning.

Those interested can read workshop descriptions and register at

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