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  • Please be wary of using the Google search school lessons. Some of them are old and have not been updated to reflect the current state of Google's search features. For example, if you try to teach students to use the results filter "reading level", you will not be successful as Google removed that feature in early 2015. 

  • Tiffany, can you share those Google search alternative questions that you came up with? 

  • Sherry - February 2016
    Watch the Webinar: Google Hangout on Air - Click Here or watch below!


    BJ Neary

  • I was signed up but couldn't attend.  Is there a recording we can access?

  • Can someone post the url for the webinar?  The participant link isn't working for me.

  • What time zone is the 8-9pm in India.Can anybody guide me?

  • What time zone is the 8-9 pm time based in, please? Eastern Std Time

  • Found it!

  • Is it possible to access the webinar information from past events?

  • I intend to attend, but may end up with a class at that time. Our school year is just starting today, so timetables etc still a little uncertain.

    Thank you

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